Thursday, November 3, 2016

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Habit #1: Be Proactive
 Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it come first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I am responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."
This is a very important habit that applies to all of us. We must take charge of our own life. You can do what you want to desire it is all up to you whether it be your happiness or not. You have the opportunities to change your life and path way. It is all up to you how good you want it to be. Since you can change things in your life and want the best it's to you to stay consistent with it. Its your Life you can possible do whatever you want. It's your Rules on how exactly you want to live. Don't let people tell how to live life in their perspective. You have a life you have your own different mind set so everyone's different.

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Habit #2: Begin with the end in Mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will".
Habit 2 is based on imagination--the ability to envision in your mind what you cannot at present see with your eyes. It is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There is a mental (first) creation, and a physical (second) creation. The physical creation follows the mental, just as a building follows a blueprint. If you don't make a conscious effort to visualize who you are and what you want in life, then you empower other people and circumstances to shape you and your life by default. It's about connecting again with your own uniqueness and then defining the personal, moral, and ethical guidelines within which you can most happily express and fulfill yourself. Begin with the End in Mind means to begin each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and destination, and then continue by flexing your proactive muscles to make things happen.

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Habit #3: Put First Things First
"Organize and Execute around properties".
Habit 3 is this means that you must put priorities first. Do what is important in the beginning save what is not a priority till last. If you do what is not important in the beginning you will surely regret it. If you call it a "priority" then it is important and you have to set yourself a time to do it. Set up a schedule be time wise. Know how to manage time. It's not only about the present but about life management things like your purpose, values, roles, and priorities.       
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Habit #4: Think Win-Win
To win-win means to get what you want by being both nice and tough. You are not more of either one. To think win-win makes you somewhat mature it makes you have the courage to speak out and be competitive. Win-Win also means to be fair with other find a compromise for both you and the other person. Then it will be a fair fight or a fair win when both of you know neither one of you put more work into whatever it was you were doing.

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Habit #5: Seek First to Understand. Then to be understood
What I believe this means is that you want to look out and learn so you can understand so that then you can be understood. To be highly effective you have to know how to understand people. It's good to have an open mind about people opinions. If you open up your mind you will better have an understanding as into why people think what they think. Most people want to get their points across first. And in doing so, you might ignore the other person completely, pretend that you're listening, and you might not know it but you may be selectively listening which means you're only listening to the parts that you want to listen to.
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Habit #7 Sharpen the Saw
I believe the habit of this meaning is too preserve and enhancing the greatest asset you have which is you. It means having a balanced program for self-renewal in the four areas of your life: physical, social, mental, and spiritual.

The 7 Habits are very good for your life they teach you how to make your life better. They teach you how to be prepared for whatever comes your way. The 7 habits not only teach you how to be effective by yourself but also how to be effective with other people. They say to synergize which means to work collaboratively with others. The 7 habits tell you and teach you to prioritize, to put what is most important first. The last thing that really stood out to me was "Begin with the end in mind"  always think about the end when doing something. Think about the end because you must know if whatever you are doing has a good result or bad result.

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