How to Remember Names
1. Commit
Begin by making a commitment — a conscious decision — to remember people’s names.
Don’t let yourself off easy, blaming a bad memory. Forgetting names is due less to a bad memory than to a lack of application. Tell yourself — because it’s true — that you can remember names if you want to and if you work at it.Before going to a meeting or a party or anywhere you might meet people, remind yourself of your commitment. And recommit yourself: “I will make my best effort to remember the names of the people I meet.”
2. Concentrate
You can only remember what you observe in the first place. If you are distracted or if you aren’t paying attention, you won’t register the person’s name so you can’t possibly remember it. 1. Paying attention to the person’s name when you first hear it. 2. Forming an impression of the person.
Listen to the person’s name. If you miss it or find a few seconds later that you’ve already forgotten it, say “I’m sorry I missed your name. Can you give it to me again?” If you still have trouble with it, say, “I’m sorry, but would you spell that out for me?”
Get a clear, detailed impression of the person.The more vividly you observe people’s physical characteristics, the more likely you are to remember them. Use all of your senses to form the most striking impression possible.
3. Remember
If you are having a hard time remembering the name you can repeat it a couple of times a day so that you can remember it. Repeating it will help you remember the persons name very quickly.