Wednesday, June 7, 2017


1. Be Creative: Being creative let's people know you have different ways of doing things and shows you can find new ways to get fix something

2. Be Honest: Being honest shows people they can trust you to tell the truth and will go to you when needed.

3. Be Responsible: Being responsible is important because you get stuff done on time and you are relied on which can be a good feeling.

4. Be Confident: Nothing is more important than being confident. Being confident means you believe in yourself and there's no better feeling than that.

5. Communicate: Communication is a key aspect in any and every situation. It's important to let your feelings out and make yourself be heard. It's important to talk things out with everyone.

6. Adapt: Adapting to new and different situations can get you far. For some people it's hard to get used to a new environment or situation but being able to adapt will allow you to work hard like usual and not get distracted.

7. Be Loyal: Being loyal is also important in any situation. Being loyal allows people to trust you better and rely on you to keep your word.

8. Be Enthusiastic: Being enthusiastic gets you far. You can make any situation fun for yourself and everyone involved. Be the life of the party by still being serious as to what are responsible for.

9. Cooperate: Cooperating with other can be difficult especially when you all have a different way to do something but it's important to learn new ways of doing things. It can help you in a similar situation later on.

10. Have Faith: You need to have faith in everything you do and become. You have to believe you'll succeed and make it far. Never give up on yourself or anything. 

Image result for honestyImage result for creativity
Class Evaluation

1. The thing that i liked most about this class was where we were able to use the computers and learn a little bit about the computers. I also liked how we were able to learn about coding and such. I liked how we saw how someone almost built a computer although i would have liked to see how they built it. I also liked how we were able to sorta make our own little program. I kinda also liked how we were able to sorta make our own website. 

2. There are many things i didn't like about the class such as how we had read 5 minutes our life planning notebook which served no purpose in learning about computers. I also didn't like how this class hardly taught us anything about computers and it was more on how to be a good a person i want to learn a bitmore about computers  I did not like how when we started to get to the part of learning coding that it was towards the end of the year when we could have started much earlier and learned so much more. I didn't like how most of the stuff you did teach us was just common sense knowledge that people should know. I also really did not like our final or anything that we had to write about in our electronic portfolio its all the same thing from your other class. This class really wasn't an advancement to our knowledge but more like wasting our time with senseless writing about people who have nothing to do ways on how we can further our knowledge in computers and programming. 

3. A recommendation i have for this class is to actually go and dive deep in for computers show the class how the one is built. Show them how each part works and maybe how to each part moves. Stop with the life planning notebook in class. Stop making them write about pointless people in their blog that does not further their about computers and the science behind it. Maybe give out some test on computers and test the people on the computer parts. This will all go nicely together so that the whole class can gain more knowledge.  

4. I guess a highlight for me in this class was the programming in code for a game. It was a fun little activity and made me feel like i was really in a computer class. I really felt like i worked hard on this and actually put in some effort to a piece of work i can be proud of in this class. I really went on to see what more i could do with the programming but from this i started using different programs to see just how far i can go with this programming. And this is something i enjoy but i wont be doing this for a job or career because it is not in my interest. 

5. I would say i really did my best in this class because this class really wasnt a hard class but you had to do the work. I wanted to do my best but this class felt like it didn't even try to help you or make you learn. When I started seeing how Mr.Haymore just shows us most videos about how to be a good person or about sports thinking that people really like it no it's just for them that's a way to get out of doing work. I would want to know if this class really it's best in teaching me more about computers and from what I saw it really didn't. 

6. I was reading the life planning goal journal 5 minutes daily. 

7. I'm am really committed to being a CTR person because this i believe in doing things right. I will still try to stay a CTR person even if i dont have this class next year. I think its going to be hard with out Mr.haymore reminding me to be a CTR student but i know i will be just fine. This concludes my honest and bold opinions about this class and what it had to offer.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Top 10 Rules for Success

Top 10 Rules for Success

By: Steph Curry

1. Visualize Your Goals 

2. Be the Hardest Working Person

3. Stay Confident 

4. Do it Your Way 

5. Be Creative

6. Stay in The Moment 

7. Better Yourself Everyday

8. Have an Upbeat Personality

9. Be the Best Version of Yourself

10. Actions Speak Louder than Words

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Top 10 Rules for Success
BY Cristiano Ronaldo

1.Just Play
2.Be Competitive 
3.Always take on New Challenges
4.Know Your Priority
5. People will Judge You
6.Work Hard
7.Believe You are the Best
8.Play for the Team
9.Enjoy the Moment
10.Have a Sense of Humor

Monday, May 1, 2017

10 Seeds of Greatness
1.The Seed of Self Esteem: (Appreciate the value of yourself)
Self Esteem means to show everyone 

2. The Seed of Creativity  "Releasing your creative energy" 
To have a seed of creativity means to be creative or to have a part of you that is creative. Being creative means to think outside the box to let your imagination take control. But some may think that creativity can be good but sometimes it can be bad because you let your imagination run to wild that sometimes it may look to wild. You have to know how to control your creativity when it is needed. I believe artists know when to control they're creativity and when to let it run wild. Being creative may at times make you different from others nut that is what makes you unique. I believe every person has creativity but everybody's creativity is different. If you do not have creativity then you most definitely can get it. Creativity is something everybody has and if you think you do not then you are doubting yourself and who knows maybe when you find that creativity inside of you, you may love it.
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3. The Seed of Responsibility "Whatever we sow, we reap" 
Responsibility is a huge part of success without it you will not achieve. Every person no matter what they want to do have to be responsible. In school you have to be responsible because you have to be caught up with work and assignments. Being responsible in school is especially important if you are in a sport because you have to be on the right track to play a sport. People may not want to get a job because it requires them to be responsible but what people don't know is that everything requires them to be a responsible even being famous requires you to be responsible. Being responsible shows people that you are capable of doing work and that they should trust you to do it and not any other person but you. Another big part of being responsible is to not make excuses be responsible for what you did and did not do.
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4.The Seed of Wisdom
Wisdom is very important because you have to know how to think correctly. Wisdom also means knowing how you feel about something and how you express your opinion. Wisdom means having quality experience, knowledge, good judgement and the quality of being wise. Good judgment means you know your right from wrongs.Wisdom also means having responsibility that is why these seeds of greatness are very important because they all contribute to one another. Wisdom is very hard to find in a person or to even find in yourself its based off judgement and how you see a person and what you consider to be wisdom. Wisdom also means how much you are able to grow with yourself and how you learn from your mistakes and what you do from those experiences.

5.The Seed of Purpose 
The seed of purpose is very important because without a purpose why would you even do anything. To me, I do everything with a purpose. If I do not do it with a purpose then to me there is no point in doing anything because when you have a purpose to do something then I believe that you put your all into it. When you have a purpose to do something then you put your thought into it you try to make it your best instead of making bad which is what you will do when you do not have a purpose to do something. For example I am in softball here at school, I am doing this for a purpose because I believe I can hopefully make it to play in college, some other girls on the team just do it to have a sport on their college applications, my coach says if you are playing just for that do not play.

6.The Seed of Communication
Reach out and touch someone
I believe that this seed means to be able and be willing to talk to others. Communication is a really important seed because if you don't communicate you will miss out on a lot of chances and a lot of opportunities.

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7.The Seed of Faith
This seed means that you have to believe and trust. Having faith to me means taking a risking and believing. Not only will you have to believe but

8.The Seed of Adaptability
This seed means to be able to adapt to what ever comes at you. This can also mean that no matter where the world takes you you will always be able to succeed in life whatsoever.

9. The Seed of Perseverance
This seed means to pull through and achieve your goals no matter how hard. You have to be persistent and never give up. I think that to do this you really need to follow the path you have chosen and you will get what you want.
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10.The Seed of Perspective
Perspective is important because it means the way people or you see things. Perspective is important because if you see things in a negative way then you most likely will not succeed or you believe you can not and then you won't. People who see things in a positive way have a higher chance of succeeding because they believe they can succeed and see the world in a way where nobody can stop them. Perspective is the way somebody sees things in the world and this can be either good or bad. If you see things in a negative way you will be afraid to take on the world and if you see them in a positive way then you will take on the world as if nothing can stop you.

10 Seeds of Greatness Reflection:

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ten Tips for Being more Truthful

  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
  2. Tell someone about your commitment.
  3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
  4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
  5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
  6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
  7. Watch out for silent lies.
  8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
  9. Talk to yourself.
  10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.

These 10 tips for being more truthful can benefit me because i will make sure i will never tell a lie again. These lies will keep on multiplying. i am using using tip number 8 and 5.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Internet Society

Go to ISOC Home
The Internet society strives to make the world a better place. The internet society wants to be able to the internet a more positive place and want to make it be known that it can benefit everybody and anybody in the world. The internet society has taken efforts to help build a better internet they work and create different ways to succeed their missions. They take in opinions at events and meetings that they make themselves because they want to hear the insight and opinions of others. The internet society encourages innovation and thinking by giving out grants and other awards to those who do their best to do new things. They establish and promote principles that are made to persuade governments to make decisions that are right for the people and each nation’s future. The internet society tries to help different nations get in touch with the internet by providing reliable information and educational opportunities that include training workshops in developing countries.

graphic of world map radiating light